What’s the Most Valuable Way You Can Spend Your Time Marketing Your Business?

Don’t worry, this isn’t like American Idol or the Masked Singer. We won’t make you wait for the answer!

It’s content. Really well-crafted and quality content that your ideal customers will find so relevant to their professional goals or daily lives that they just have to have more. In a world oversaturated with bad advertising and fake followers and scam artists, the people and companies that stand out are the ones creating real value for others through really good content marketing. 

What the heck is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic method of creating valuable, relevant, and organic content, by which we mean blog posts, videos, podcast episodes, etc, in order to build a trusting relationship with your ideal client and ultimately entice them to purchase from you or support you.

It’s a fancy way to say that, if you write or create something that your customer really likes, they’re more likely to trust you overall and share some of that hard-earned money in their wallet with you.

Why is content creation so important?

We’ll give ya 3 reasons:

  1. Content is your marketing foundation.

The organic content you create is the foundation of your brand, helping to define who you are and what you’re about.And, great content can be published and re-published on all of your channels: You can break one great blog post down into multiple social media posts that can be used over the course of weeks, or even months. You can record that blog post and turn it into a podcast episode, or record yourself on IGTV discussing the highlights of that post. The key is to make sure that content is quality, and of high value to your audience.

2. Content lasts pretty much forever.

When you create a blog post, video, or podcast and upload it to your website, it has a permanent place on the internet, representing your business and you. This means that Google can continue to index that information and show it to new users, making you and your business easier to find. And, as you continue to create content, you compound your searchability and create more opportunities to connect with new potential clients and customers.

3. Content can be evergreen.

Evergreen content means it will always be relevant. While the platforms to share your content will definitely change (have you tried Tik Tok yet?), the key messages in your evergreen content won’t change; you might just present those key messages in a different way. Evergreen content is #goals!

How to begin:

Get started on your content marketing by making a plan. Follow our handy worksheet step-by-step to create a single document that lays out exactly what kind of content you will focus on creating and promoting.

🌟 Download Our Content Plan Worksheet! 🌟

It may feel overwhelming at first because consistently creating content is hard, but you got this!

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