The Golden Rule for Writing Great Copy

If you've spent any time Googling for tips on "writing better marketing copy," we're guessing that you've run into the same advice, over and over and over:

  1. Focus.

  2. Be concise. 

  3. Use active voice.


Look, if you've typed "how to write better copy" into a search bar recently, it's probably because there's something bigger you're trying to accomplish.

Maybe it's converting more email subscribers on your website, or getting more people to buy your stuff through your email list. Or maybe you just really want someone to read your blog. The point is, you're looking to drive some action.

In order to drive that action, however, people need to feel something when they read what you've written.

Take blog post titles. Emotions you can inspire with simple titles include:

If a person hates pumpkin spice lattes, cares about our oceans, wants to lose a few pounds, but is also hungry for waffles, they'll click on any or all of these. You've provided something for them that they want, and they'll click to get it.

The number one rule for writing better copy is:

Don't be a robot. 

If you're just following a formula you read on a blog somewhere (and there are TONS of them), your writing starts to sound automated and robotic. In fact, it's so mindless that there are companies you can hire just to generate this kind of automated copy! (Please don't hire them.)

It's very easy to tell that a piece of copy, like a blog title or a landing page, has been generated following a formula.

It's short.

It's soulless.

It's bland.

It wants your credit card number and doesn't even say, "Please."

Your customers can sniff that robotic, automated scent in the air from miles away, and it smells gross.

Write like you talk. Like you're a person having a real conversation with another person, because you are. Your customers are made up of real, actual people who have real, actual needs. Treat them like you'd treat your friends.

If your customer wants to be inspired, give them tools and direct them to the right place so they can do some good. Help them make a real difference.

If your customer needs a solution to a problem, show that you understand what they're going through, and that you know what to do to solve that problem. Be their friend and provide real empathy.

If your customer is hungry for delicious crispy waffles, give them that crispy waffle recipe. Give them the salted honey butter too, because OMG, that deliciousness needs to be shared. 


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