The Slice

Our blog, The Slice, delivers all the answers you need about social media, digital tools, branding, messaging, and more.

We'll Be There For You... on Facebook
Uncategorized Katie Stanton Uncategorized Katie Stanton

We'll Be There For You... on Facebook

Communication today is increasingly virtual. Think about all the times you've shot off a text or email versus picking up a phone. You're not just talking to your homies; you might also be texting a hair salon to see if there's an appointment available this weekend, or setting up a dinner reservation through an app. Businesses of all kinds are adapting to meet people on the communication channels they are already using.

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Time for a Facebook Upgrade
Uncategorized Katie Stanton Uncategorized Katie Stanton

Time for a Facebook Upgrade

If we’re being honest, optimizing a Business Facebook Page is quite the process. You have the Template (🎉good job nailing that last week🎉), About language, graphics, buttons, tabs, messaging and auto-responders... the list goes on, and updates to these features happen often, and often without warning. It can feel really tempting to just post every so often, ignore all the features, and hope it still works for your business. This week, it’s time to be a little more pro and level up your Facebook marketing!

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What's Your Template?
Uncategorized Katie Stanton Uncategorized Katie Stanton

What's Your Template?

Whether you inherited a company’s Facebook Page or created your own from scratch, there are SO MANY ways you can customize it. And Facebook keeps adding more and more tools, such as featured user recommendations and adding new buttons to encourage action. There's a solid chance that, unless Facebook is your full-time gig, you're not aware of all the things you can do to make your page look, like, totes gorge!

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Tell Me A Story
Uncategorized Katie Stanton Uncategorized Katie Stanton

Tell Me A Story

This week, we’re looking at stellar Instagram Story examples from different companies that we hope will inspire you to try this tool out. Stories are one more way to keep your followers engaged with you, test different kinds of visuals in a low-stakes way, and let you be creative. They will also give you great information about who is looking at your content (since you can see who's viewed your stories!). 

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Your Summer Reading List
Uncategorized Katie Stanton Uncategorized Katie Stanton

Your Summer Reading List

Whether you’re at the beach, pool, or simply mixing up your lunch break, this summer reading list will take your marketing knowledge to the next level. You’ll learn fresh perspectives on everything from web design to an old school approach to advertising. 

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