The Slice

Our blog, The Slice, delivers all the answers you need about social media, digital tools, branding, messaging, and more.

Mastering the Art of the Blog Post Title
Uncategorized Katie Stanton Uncategorized Katie Stanton

Mastering the Art of the Blog Post Title

You’ve finished writing your blog post and the hard part is over... or so you thought! Time to put the metaphorical icing on the cake of your post with a title that will titillate your audience.

Coming up with a blog post title can be both infuriating and fun. How do you write the perfect one that reflects your personality but also reflects your audience?

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Blogging for Beginners 
Uncategorized Katie Stanton Uncategorized Katie Stanton

Blogging for Beginners 

So you’re thinking about starting a blog. We mean, why not, right? 35% of businesses blog at least once every month.

Blogging isn't new, we know. But it's still can be a useful way to get your expertise and your brand out to your audience, as well as draw users to your website and offerings. It gives you a way to continually update your website and think about your content, while allowing you to tell your story and show off your personality in creative ways.

But before you decide to trade in your pen and type your thoughts, make sure you understand what you’re committing to before your blogging dream turns into blogging dread.

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